Tuesday, April 3
Thursday, January 25
Tuesday, January 23
Knock knock jokes from 1936

Notice the high class knock with the back of the hand
Who's there?
Chester who?
Chester song at twilight

Who's there, who's there
Hoffman who?
I'll Hoffman I'll puff an' I'll blow yer house in

Knock knock
Who's there?
Shixa (high voice)
Shixa who?
Shixa one - half dozen of another
Monday, January 8
Build your own icons

Monday, December 18
Digital road rage
File this under, "why didn't I think of that." PlateWire.com lets angry commuters enters the tag number of bad drivers and leave them a message online. This is obviously a better way to vent than trying to run the car off the road. (via PopForty.com)
While driving on 94 during rush hour this dummy was tailgating me and driving so fast if i tapped my brakes he would've been up my behind. Just a word of caution: IF YOU ARE GOING SOMEWHERE AND IT WON'T BE THERE IN 5 EXTRA MINUTES, YOU DON'T NEED TO GO!!!! Don't put the lives of people at risk for your impatient attitude. Some people have children..